
Who I Am

Faithe Anderson, Trainer I  work with women, mainly over 40,  who are new to distance running (5k-ultra) or returning to athletics after raising their families. I support women in pursuing their fitness goals: weight loss, getting stronger, pr’ing a  marathon, hitting that one perfect push-up or running  their very first 5k.     I am a UESCA and NASM certified coach certified in distance and ultra running, strength training,  group fitness, functional and core fitness. I was a beta tester for UESCA’s Ultra running certification.  I have trained women of all ages but love working with women of  peri and post menopausal ages ( over 40).  I am an avid ultra runner having competed in many types of trail, road, treadmill and looped course runs and races  from 1 mile to 1000k journey runs as a solid MIDDLE of the pack runner.   I came to my fitness journey after raising my seven children and needing to lose a large amount of weight.  I found joy in my